Thursday, 8 February 2007

Prepare for the busyness

Woah, life's about to get a whole lot more hectic, starting tomorrow is the first Australian Discworld convention Nullus Anxietas which I'll be attending for the whole three days (for those of you who have trouble counting that means it finishes on Sunday). Then on Tuesday I fly of to Sydney until Thursday night. from Friday until Sunday again I'm away, this time it's at the APPLe Camp, APPLe Club is the club for students of my faculty (Architecture, Building and Planning) at Uni, and this camp is so we can all get to know each other. Should be a blast!
Finally, straight after APPLe Camp, Orientation or O-week begins which runs for supprisingly a week, and the end of that week will be Friday the 23rd of February, or my 18th Birthday. The next day is my party, one day to recover. Then it's off to Uni for real.
Busy, eh?

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